
Our next event is in 20 days.

Commencement of Estate Parking

We are now in a position notify you that the Gloucester Grove Estate parking scheme will commence on 29th March 2021. Please note that the Council will issue warning notices thereafter for a period of 21 days. Commencing 19 April 2021, the Council’s parking enforcement contractor APCOA will issue live penalty charge notices (parking tickets).

I would like to explain what the estate parking permit scheme means and what the cost will be for you as a resident.

The standard enforcement period is Monday to Sunday, 7am to 7pm.

How do I apply for an estate parking permit

You can apply for your estate parking permit in the following ways:

You are only eligible for an estate parking permit if you meet the following conditions:

  • Resident of an estate that is in the parking permit scheme
  • Your vehicle is registered with the DVLA at your home address
  • Your vehicle is insured
  • Your vehicle has a MOT

When we receive your application for an estate parking permit we will carry out the necessary checks to verify you live at the address and we also check the vehicle registration with the DVLA. 

Southwark Council has launched a new flexible parking permit system which has been set up to allow residents to purchase their estate parking permits/ visitor permits online. This new system will mean drivers will no longer display paper permits in their vehicle - as all records will be held solely online with wardens having access to this 'live' data.

The estate parking permit is valid for one year. When your permit is due for renewal, we will verify that you still live at the address and that your vehicle passes the DVLA checks. Once this is complete, we will then send out a new permit to you.

All visitors must have a valid visitors permit. These are valid for the day marked on the permit and the car registration written onto it. Only residents are eligible to purchase visitor permits.

Carer permits are also available where residents have a carer providing care to residents on the estate.

Your estate parking permit is only valid for parking on the estate you live on. 

Please be aware that the on-street parking permit is not the same as the estate parking permit. On-street permits cannot be used on estates and estate permits are not valid on-street. Should you wish to apply for both, note that you will need to use a different email address and telephone number for each account – as the same cannot be used for both.

Permit costs

A permit for the 1st vehicle registered with the DVLA to your address will be free.

A permit for a 2nd vehicle or more registered with the DVLA to your address will be £82.50 per permit.

Visitor’s permits are £16.50 for 10 single visits.

Carer’s permits are £36.00 for a registered carer providing care to residents of the blocks.

Enforcement for parking without a permit will be through PCNs (penalty charge notices/parking tickets). This is exactly the same process as enforcement on the highways. The fine is £130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within 2 weeks.

Leaseholder’s service charges will not be affected as a result of introducing the estate parking permit scheme.

This is the standard scheme which the council provides to over 150 estates across the borough. The aim is to protect parking for residents, vehicles with a valid parking permit will not be penalised if they park within the designated areas.

28/03/2021 - 18/04/2021
July 2024
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